TWRA Sunflower Field in Knoxville, TN

Female portraits in the Knoxville Sunflower Field

The TWRA Sunflower Field is normally only in bloom every two years, but this year they planted one large patch about a mile back. We found it. It was a miserably hot afternoon, but we were able to capture some sweet memories, nonetheless.

TWRA Sunflower Field Children Photos

The extremely bright sun shining down on the sunflowers and leaves makes for some blown out photos, but they turned out better than expected.

TWRA Sunflower Field Family Photo TWRA Sunflower Field Family Photo

The TWRA sunflower field isn’t just for kids, though! Look at this smokin’ hot mama. Self portraits are always a good idea!

Female portraits in the Knoxville Sunflower Field Female portraits in the Knoxville Sunflower Field Children hiking through the Sunflower Field at TWRA Smelling flowers

Of course, I had to capture a carpenter bee in its natural habitat.

A carpenter bee in a blooming sunflower

We also found some wildflowers on our way! Can you see the exhaustion in the kids faces? Hahaha.

Family photos in the Knoxville Sunflower Field at TWRA Family photos in Tennessee wildflowers

Willow + Rove Creative is a family photographer in Knoxville, TN and surrounding areas. Mini sessions at the sunflower and wildflower fields are one of our few mini sessions we offer. Check them out next June/July!